Wednesday, November 27, 2019

To Kill a Mocking Bird - jem essays

To Kill a Mocking Bird - jem essays To Kill a Mockingbird left a lasting impression on me. At the time it was written, it must have been looked down upon as a piece of literature since there was so much hatred towards Negroes in the 1950's that no one could probably realize the unjustified prejudice against them. It especially deals with how the main character, Atticus Finch, deals with the controversy surrounding his actions and how he tries to shelter his family from it. But my essay shall focus in to one of the younger main characters, Jem Finch, and how the problems throughout the novel change him. Jem Finch is one of the most important and complex characters in the novel. Over the course of the story his behaviour and his relationship with his sister, Scout, changes dramatically. In the story To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, a trial tears apart a town and the Finches are caught right in the middle of it. This event and other small occurrences that take place in this novel, forever change Jem. He is suddenly introduced into the adult world and it changes the way he and Scout act towards each other. Jem and Scout's relationship changes as Jem becomes too wise for her, also he becomes more mature, and begins to resemble his father, Atticus. At several points in this book it is very evident that Jem has become a lot smarter as he gets older. At the beginning of the story, several instances show that Jem thought and acted like a child. The greatest evidence of Jem's child-like acts comes when he, Scout, and Dill are playing games about Boo Radley. Jem says, "You're too scared to even put your big toe in the front yard." Although seemingly irrelevant, this quote does show how childish Jem is. At this point in the novel Jem and Scout are at about the same intellectual stage. However, things change as Jem starts to hit puberty. He begins to act differently, as well as think and speak differently. When Scout says, ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Reduce Academic Stress

How to Reduce Academic Stress Amidst all the aspects of college that students deal with on a daily basis finances, friendships, roommates, romantic relationships, family issues, jobs, and countless other things academics always need to take priority. After all, if you dont do well in your classes, the rest of your college experience becomes impossible. So how can you deal with all the academic stress that college can easily and rapidly put into your life? Fortunately, there are ways even the most stressed-out student can cope. Take a Good Look at Your Course Load In high school, you could easily manage 5 or 6 classes plus all of your co-curricular activities. In college, however, the entire system changes. The number of units you take has a direct connection to how busy (and stressed) youll be throughout the semester. The difference between 16 and 18 or 19 units may seem small on paper, but its a big difference in real life (especially when it comes to how much studying you have to do for each class). If youre feeling overwhelmed with your course load, take a look at the number of units youre taking. If you can drop a class without creating even more stress in your life, you might want to consider it. Join a Study Group You may be studying 24/7, but if youre not studying effectively, all that time spent with your nose in your books might actually be causing you more stress. Consider joining a study group. Doing so will help hold you accountable for getting things done on time (after all, procrastination can be a major source of stress, too), help you better understand the material, and help you combine some social time with your homework. And if there isnt a study group you can join for any (or all) of your classes, consider starting one yourself. Learn How to Study More Effectively If you arent sure how to study effectively, it wont matter if you study by yourself, in a study group, or even with a private tutor. Make sure that all of your efforts to study are matching up with what your brain needs to retain and truly understand the material. Get Help from a Peer Tutor Everyone knows those students in class who clearly are mastering the material and not having a problem doing so. Consider asking one of them to tutor you. You can offer to pay them or even deal in some kind of trade (maybe you can help fix their computer, for example, or tutor them in a subject theyre struggling with). If you arent sure whom to ask in your class, check with some of the academic support offices on campus to see if they offer peer tutoring programs, ask your professor if he or she can recommend a peer tutor, or simply look for flyers on campus from other students offering themselves as tutors. Utilize Your Professor as a Resource Your professor can be one of your best assets when it comes to reducing the stress you feel in a particular course. While it may at first be intimidating to try to get to know your professor, he or she can help you figure out what material to focus on (instead of feeling overwhelmed by thinking you have to learn everything in class). He or she can also work with you if youre really struggling with a concept or with how to best prepare for an upcoming exam. After all, what could be better for helping you reduce your academic stress than to know that youre super prepared and ready to ace the upcoming exam? Make Sure You Always  Go to Class   Sure, your professor may just be reviewing the material that was covered in the reading. But you never know what additional snippets he or she might put in, and having someone go over material you may have already read will just help to solidify it in your mind. Additionally, if your professor sees that youve been in class every day but are still having problems, he or she might be more willing to work with you. Reduce Your Non-Academic Commitments It can be easy to lose your focus, but the main reason you are in school is to graduate. If you dont pass your classes, you dont get to stay in school. That simple equation should be motivation enough to help you prioritize your commitments when your stress level begins to get a little out of control. If you dont have enough time to handle your non-academic responsibilities in a way that doesnt leave you stressed all the time, take a moment to figure out what needs to go. Your friends will understand. Get the Rest of Your College Life in Balance   Sometimes, it can be easy to forget that taking care of your physical self can do wonders for reducing your stress. Make sure youre getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising on a regular basis. Think about it: Whens that last time you didnt feel less stressed after a good nights sleep, a healthy breakfast, and a good work out? Ask Upperclassmen for Advice With Difficult Professors If one of your classes or professors is greatly contributing to, or even the main cause of, your academic stress, ask students who have already taken the class how they handled it. Chances are you arent the first student to be struggling. Other students may have already figured out that your literature professor gives better grades when you quote lots of other researchers in your paper, or that your Art History professor always focuses on women artists on exams. Learning from the experiences of those who went before you can help reduce your own academic stress.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English Language - Essay Example The work has a great implication on the lives of many people. The narration of the death of Mandela was accompanied with numerous statins of his achievement and his requirement to all people. Every person or institution wanting to live the legacy left by Mandela would be moved by the text since it reminds each and every person of the importance of being willing to sacrifice for the sake of the world. The author realises this fact and puts into perspective the most influential events in the life of Nelson Mandela. The main purpose of the text was creating an editorial that would reflect the actual life and times of Nelson Mandela. Additionally, the author seeks to enlighten the reader of the steps undertaken by Mandela to become one the global recognised leaders for their efforts to bring peace and save humanity. The text has no limitation on the suitable audience since its representation and content are appropriate for very person interested in understanding why Nelson Mandela was held with high regard. However, in highlighting his objective, the author uses the responses of leaders and other people in the society on Nelson Mandela. The article starts by the author explaining the mood that was expected at the funeral. They then mention the significance of the burial of Nelson Mandela3. The text assesses the audience present at the funeral, the mood of the actual day of the funeraland the days before the funeral. The author is quick to confirm that international leaders led by the US President, Barack Obama, were presented at the send-off ceremony and delivered moving speeches on how exceptional Mandela was4. The text also analyses the general feeling of the people of South Africa on their perception Mandela. The text then diverts from the funeral to the life and times of the Nelson Mandela. Significant events such as the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Social Welfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Welfare - Essay Example This situation is especially terrifying because social service is supposed to help people who get into troubles, but when social workers dont trust you it feels like the whole world is against you and you have no support of society. The most surprising thing in this entire situation is that Barbara Ann got support where it wasnt expected at all - from homeless people. It turns out that those who are already living in difficult conditions of constant surviving are more likely to be helpful and supportive than those who are supposed to provide you with help, according to their civil responsibilities. Actually, the fact that representatives of the societys so-called misfits are more humane than the societys supporting service makes me suspicious about my safety. The life circumstances of Barbara Ann are totally complicated and tragic, but as far as there happened to appear the people who believed in her story and helped her, there is a chance for her to improve her life some

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The incoming UK government Essay Example for Free

The incoming UK government Essay In 1997, the incoming UK government provided The National Literacy Strategy, a steady and consistent1 means of raising standards of literacy, in English primary schools. The motive behind raising these standards was for the economy because if the levels of literacy were to low in a significant proportion of the population, then the economy could have shattering consequences. In a report on the impact of literacy, education and training on the UK Economy, the accountants Ernst and Young estimate that; 60% of all jobs now require reasonable reading skills2 and goes on to warn that UK productivity is relatively low compared with its major competitors Whilst in opposition, the government had set up a Literacy Task force, which set out a National Literacy Strategy designed to raise these standards in English primary schools across the UK. Targets were set and by 2002, 80% of year six children were expected to reach level four or above in the Key Stage 2 English tests. The Framework inside the National Literacy Strategy had been derived from means developed by the previous government in the National Literacy Project, also aimed to raise standards of literacy but only in a specified number of LEAs. This Framework sets out teaching objectives from reception through to year six to enable children to become fully literate and it provides a useful structure of class and time management for the daily Literacy hour. It is also expected that extra time may be needed for the allocation of reading to the class, pupils own independent reading for interest and pleasure and extended writing as well as Literacy being productively linked to other curriculum areas. The main objectives that the framework focuses on is three broad divisions of literacy, these include word level work, e.g. phonics, vocabulary, spelling, and handwriting, sentence level work, e.g. punctuation and grammar. And finally text level work, e.g. comprehension and composition. The National Literacy Strategy gives examples of what a literate primary pupil should be able to do, for example, read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding; be able to orchestrate a full range of reading cues (phonic, graphic, syntactic, contextual) to monitor their reading and correct their own mistakes3 As far as childrens progress in reading is concerned the National Literacy Strategy states that from the outset children must understand that words are made up of letters and these letters correspond with spoken sounds. In Key Stage 1, they should be taught to check their reading for sense, using grammar and the meaning of the text. This should then help them identify errors and correct them, not only whilst in Key Stage 1 but Key Stage 2 and beyond. Methods of teaching reading suggested by the National Literacy Strategy include, shared reading, guided reading and individual reading, each playing an important part in the learning to read process. Shared reading involves the whole class using a text e.g. a big book, text extract or poster. Here the teacher leads the reading pointing as she goes, with the children joining in. This method was developed by teachers working with Don Holdaway (1979) in New Zealand and has advantages that can over ride some of the difficulties that teachers experience with regular books, for example the book can be shared by the whole class and every one can see the print, the teacher can direct the childrens reading by pointing to indicate where they start reading and can bring to attention certain words, punctuation, graphology quicker by indicating using a finger or pointing tool. Holdaways idea of shared reading and carpet time is to re-invent the bed-time story and create a homely routine that can be practised in the classroom, and allow all the children to have intimate access to the book. From my own experience of shared reading I find that the children enjoy this part of literacy hour because of the intimacy and informal set up of the classroom. I found that even years five and six enjoy carpet time because it brings the class closer together and the formal classroom atmosphere almost disappears. Research by Lloyd Eldredge, Ray Rentzel and Paul Hollingsworth at Brigham Young University proved that this method was more successful than previous methods i.e. round robin. After four months, the shared reading group had significantly higher scores on tests of reading fluency, vocabulary acquisition and comprehension. There was evidence that the supported reading experience of the shared reading group had the greatest impact on the word recognition abilities of the pupils who initially were the poorest readers 4 In this situation I found the children more likely to ask questions about the text or the vocabulary used and children who were not used to reading or seemed distanced when reading individual work were more alert and interactive and able to work from texts beyond their independent reading levels. From being in a classroom one of the difficulties I have noticed, especially in the reading progress, is coping with differentiated groups. This is where guided reading comes into action. As with shared reading, guided reading helps children to progress by developing a deeper and clearer understanding than might be achieved individually. Talking to the teacher and their peers whilst reading a text can develop skills such as critical perspectives, predicting plot developments and being able to extract key points in a text. As well as being developed for the childrens progress, guided reading was introduced to make more efficient use of the teachers time. A report by OFSTED (1996) found teachers spending too much time listening to each child read. Guided reading has been developed so the teacher is in a position to focus on points tat are relevant for the whole ability group rather than individuals. It has also been noted that boys respond more positively to active and interactive nature of such readings 5 This sounds all very well but drawing on my own experience I find it does not always work like that. When the teacher is working with one group, the other groups do not work to their standard, either because a discussion has turned into an argument, the children are having difficulties and there is no one to help or they have lost concentration. However, for what ever the reason the children are distracted, this part of the lesson seems to be a difficult section to maintain the standards and expectations as stated in the National Literacy Strategy. On my first placement I saw a different approach to guided reading, in the form of reading in pairs, a year six child and a year three child were reading partners. I believe that this reading partner technique should play a bigger part in the National Literacy Strategy than it already does. At present all it states in the document is; to enable other pupils to work independently individually, in pairs or in groups without recourse to the teacher 6 In the situation I witnessed where an older child choose a book for a younger peer and listened to him reading it, was a valuable experience for both children. The year three enjoyed the attention from the older child and seemed highly motivated in his reading. The year six however, gained experience in choosing books for other people, rather than reading a book he was thinking about suitable content, language and illustrations for the younger child to enjoy. This is an excellent way in which to offer a meaningful context for children to consider these different aspects of the reading process. For the year three child this partnership allowed for development within the zone of proximal development, this is Vygotskys description where; what a child can do with assistance today she will be able to do by her self tomorrow7 Also for the older child the routine is challenging as it enforces a different thinking. In the same twenty minute period as guided reading the National Literacy Strategy also expects some individual work to take place. The objectives for these are stated in the document and include; independent reading and writing proof reading and editing comprehension work8 The National Literacy Strategy also states that; pupils should be trained not to interrupt the teacher and there should be sufficient resources and alterative strategys for them to fall back on if they get stuck 9 Having taught a literacy lesson I find this last quote ironic. The whole point of having a teacher is to teach the children to read and here it says the children must be trained not to interrupt the teacher. I am speaking from my own experience when I say that no matter how many resources or alternative strategies you offer children, the child will always come to the teacher first. However, I do agree with the fact that children should be taught and learn, not train, to find information and solve difficulties using alternatives such as a CD-ROM or a dictionary. Other strategies that are discussed in the National Literacy Strategy that will forward their progression in reading include; Direction, this is to enable the pupils to know what they are doing, to draw attention to key points and to develop key strategies in reading and writing. Another example is modelling; pupils are to discuss features of written texts through the process of shared reading of books and extracts. From first hand experience I believe that the National Literacy Strategy, along with other documents i.e. National Numeracy Strategy, will benefit children and teachers and make primary pupils more literate. The structured routine is consistent and concise throughout Key Stage one and Key Stage two however, for a teacher to meet these standards and produce high quality work from the children as well as making lessons, discursive, interactive, well-paced, confident and ambitious (as stated in the National Literacy Strategy) is a demanding challenge. In 1992, Jaap Scheerens meta-analysed research from across the world and provided factors which affect schools and their performance. His research showed structured teaching was important and defined this as; making clear what has to be learnt, dividing material into manageable units, teaching in a well considered sequenceregular testing, immediate feedback10 His research also showed that whole class teaching is often more effective than individualised teaching and the time spent on subjects and how the children are inspired, challenged and praised all increase learning activity. The National Literacy Strategy incorporates most of Scheerens findings and because of the way it is set out as a uniform for the whole country to follow, I believe standards could be raised. However, I also believe that the way children are taught to read and understand texts by using extracts and part of texts could be damaging to the pupil. It makes reading seem un-enjoyable and this is exactly what the National Literacy Strategy is trying to avoid. Most of the children I have worked with have enjoyed the Literacy Hour more when they can work on a text they have read all the way through and they feel they have a better understanding and better liking of the text. Resource List * Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research. * Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training: Their impact on the UK economy * Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 2000 * Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE * National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998,DFEE * Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling: Research, Theory and Practice * Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language 1 Literacy Task Force, 1997b The Implementation of the National Literacy Strategy, DFEE 2 Ernst Young, 1993, Literacy, Education and Training: Their impact on the UK economy 3 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction, 1998, DFEE 4 Eldredge, J.L., Reutzel, D.R., and Hollingsworth, P.M., 1996, Comparing the Effectiveness of Two Oral Reading Practices: Round-Robin and the Shared Book Experience, Journal of Literacy Research. 5 Graham, J., Kelly, A., Reading Under Control, Teaching Reading in the Primary School, 2000 6 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE 7 Vygotsky, L., 1962, Thought and Language 8 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 13, 1998, DFEE 9 National Literacy Strategy, Introduction p 12, 1998, DFEE 10 Scheerens, J., 1992, Effective Schooling: Research, Theory and Practice

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Shame of Cigarette Smoking in the Healthcare System :: Journalism Journalistic Essays Smoke

Smokers in scrubs: The shame of cigarette smoking in the healthcare system On a recent Thursday morning, while some hospital employees smoked cigarettes in Brigham and Women’s safe haven known as the "butt-hut," others crowded the lobby on Frances Street in Boston to check out the American Cancer Society's â€Å"The Great American Smoke-Out† event. Two women sat behind a folding table handing out informational pamphlets on smoking hazards and ways to kick the fatal habit. Several of the women and men who approached the table for information or signed up to get their lung capacity tested were wearing scrubs, a sign that cigarette smoking is still prevalent among health care employees. â€Å"Hospitals, including Dana Farber, are starting to now reimburse employees who enroll in a quit-smoking program. In some cases, they get back almost $ 500 for counseling, patches, and nicotine gum,† said Jennifer Kelly, who runs the smoking cessation program at Brigham and Women’s. The smoking cessation program is offered to both employees and the public, and provides individual and group counseling, which meets one day a week for eight weeks. Kelly explained that each hour- long session costs $10, however the fee is waived for those with free healthcare benefits or Medicare and all participants of the program receive discounts on nicotine patches and chewing gum. With several Boston area programs designed to rid the habit of the 20% of Massachusetts residence, who smoke and with hospitals practically paying their employees to quit smoking than why are 47 million adults in the U.S. still smoking cigarettes? Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances today; studies have shown that nicotine is as addictive to people as heroin, cocaine and alcohol. According to a study conducted by the American Cancer Society, in the U.S today, nicotine is the most common form of drug addiction among adults, high school students and middle-school students. While studies preformed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention have shown that cigarette smoking has declined 40% among adults ages 18 and over, between the years of 1965 and 1999 still today, nearly 26% of men and 22% of women smoke cigarettes. Dr. Laura Fredenburgh, a soft spoken and attractive woman in a white coat with her name and title embroidered on the pocket, sat at a long table on Thursday morning. She carefully explained to people the results of their free lung capacity tests that were given during the â€Å"Smoke-Out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nurse practitioner scope of practice

Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice in the United StatesNurse Practitioners are registered nurses who are outstandingly recognized for providing primary care and treating acute and chronic illness and diseases. They acquired practiced skills and experience through advance education and medical training, and are authorized to serve as health and medical care resources and interdisciplinary consultants for diverse populations during health and illness. Nurse Practitioners may be generalists, like family nurse practitioners, or specialists whose areas of expertise include pediatrics, geriatrics, and psychiatry.Nurse Practitioners render a wide range of different types of preventive and clinical services as authorized by a state's Nurse Practice Act that vary from state-to-state in which some allow independent practice for nurse practitioners. In the United States, the state from which a nurse practitioner is practicing gives the nurse practitioner’s license being certified by th e American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Since the profession is regulated by the state, the extended care-giving role played by Nurse Practitioners varies. Nurse practitioners in the community may be engaged in health maintenance organizations, home health care agencies, public health departments, school or college clinics, and physician’s offices, to mention a few.With increasing demand for primary care services to underserved groups and communities, nurse practitioners are successfully qualified for rendering such service, being fully equipped with appropriate knowledge and training. Standards for practice developed by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (1993) provide the specific activities that a nurse practitioner can perform and govern the services granted.In general, regardless of specialty, the scope of services practiced by nurse practitioners is divided into three categories. The first category covers the assessment of health status. This includes ac tivities such as obtaining medical and health record of an individual, performing nursing assessments, and conducting physical examination on patients. Nurse practitioners also perform preventive screening procedures based on the patient’s age and history. Such screening includes those for hearing, sight, and cancer. Identification of medical health risks and requirements is also under the scope of practice of this profession.The second category is the application of suitable diagnosis based on previous examinations and clinical findings. They execute and interpret diagnostic studies such as routine laboratory tests, EKGs and X-rays. Diagnosing, treating, evaluating, and managing minor and common and acute and stable illness and diseases such as injuries, diabetes, and high blood pressure are being employed by nurse practitioners. Also, with proper training or with supervision, they are also allowed to perform minor surgeries and procedures and may be First Assistants in the OR.Central to the care provided by nurse practitioners are the conditions of the patients and the further effect of illness on the lives of the patients and the patients’ relatives. Thus, supportive counseling and educating patients regarding their health behaviors stressing out health promotion and citing preventive measures on illness and diseases are also under the practice of nurse practitioners. Providing prenatal care, conducting well-child screenings and immunizations, prescribing rehabilitation treatments and medications, though limited in some states, are also being practiced. All of these fall under the third category and can be summarized as the management of the case.This further identifies the needs of individual, family or community the assessment and interpretation of data collected.   Evaluation and execution of plan of care are also being stressed in the practice of such profession. Nurse practitioners also establish collaborative working relationship with physicians to provide comprehensive care and refer patients to other health professionals as needed to meet the appropriate health and medical goals.Nurse practitioners with specialization may include other specific activities in their scope of practice in line with their acquired specialty to further serve the target population. For pedriatric nurse practitioner, for instance, one may include the analysis of factors that may affect the child’s growth and development. Studies relating to abnormal and normal development in relation to anatomical, physiological, motor, cognitive, and social behavior of the child may be included in his scope of practice. Women’s health care nurse practitioner may perform fertility counseling and infertility management and may also give prescription and management of birth control pills and diaphragms or provide family planning services.To further improve the scope of practice, there are nurse practitioners that take advance training for c ertain clinical procedures. These procedures which can be accomplished by nurse practitioners with effective training which depends on previous experience and practice limitations of individual state Nurse Practice Acts.The continuing progress to cope with changing health care needs of the society is the responsibility of the nurse practitioners. They unite the role of being a care resource person, counselor and educator, researcher and administrator especially in the field of primary health care.   Members of such profession are liable for the expansion and improvement of the practice of such profession and this can be achieved through involvement and active participation in professional health care organizations and their activities as they ensure that the standards on the scope of practice for nurse practitioners are maintained.ReferencesKozier B., et al. (1998). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice.Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.Nurse Practitioner Scope of Prac tice. (2007). American College of  Ã‚   Nurse Practitioners.    Retrieved 02 December 2007 from J., & Wagner M. (2007). Nurse Practitioner in the United States: A Success   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Story. Retrieved 02 December 2007 from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   dh7yghw2wiei4dne2mth4imdafkhk6uyikihb/051-056%25252ePulcini_new.pdfSherwood G. et al. (2007). Defining Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice:Expanding Primary Care Services. Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. Retrieved 02 December 2007 from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Comparison Between Two Major Textile Companies

Executive Summary In this report, I have discussed about the two major textile organizations that are AL-karam and Gul Ahmed textile mills. I have conducted a ratio analysis from the information gathered from their financial statements. In my study, I found out that AL-Karam is doing comparatively well from Gul Ahmed textiles as various ratios proved to be positive in terms of AL-Karam textiles. Accounting Policies Through accounting strategies and the methods of computation used in the preparation of this financial information are the same as those applied in the preparation of financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2011.These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan. Approved accounting standards comprise such International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as are notified under the Companies Ordinance, 1984, provisions of and directives issu ed under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. In case requirements differ, the provisions or directives of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 shall overcome operating assets.Operating assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any identified impairment loss except leasehold land which is stated at cost. No amortization is provided on leasehold land since the lease is renewable at the option of the lessee. Depreciation is charged on reducing balance method at rates specified in the note 13. 1. Full year’s depreciation is charged on additions except major additions or extensions to production facilities which are depreciated on pro-rata basis for the period of use during the year and no depreciation is charged on assets in the year of their disposal.Structures on leased retail outlets are depreciated over the respective lease term. Gains and losses on disposal of operating assets are included in profit and loss account. Capital work-in-progress Capital work-in-progress is stated at cost accumulated up to the balance sheet date and represents expenditure incurred on property, plant and equipment in the course of construction. These expenditures are transferred to relevant category of property, plant and equipment as and when the asset starts operation. Intangible assets Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortization.Amortization is charged over the useful life of the assets on a systematic basis to income applying the straight line method at the rate specified in note 14. Investments Investments in subsidiary company are stated at cost. The Company reconsiders the carrying amount of the investments to assess whether there is any indication of impairment loss. If such indication exists, the carrying amount is reduced to recoverable amount and the difference is recognized as an expense. Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the investment is increased to the revised recoverable amount.The reversal of such impairment loss is recognized as an income. GUL AHMED Financial Ratios | 2010| 2009| liquidity| Current ratios| 0. 97| 0. 95| Quick  Ratio| 0. 39| 0. 44| Leverage| Total  debt  to  Total  assets  ratio| 75. 37%| 77. 04%| Times  interest  earned| -| 1. 00 times| Funded  debt  to  net  working  capital| 61. 80%| 63. 49%| Efficiency| Average  collection  period  | 4. 3 days| 44. 56 days| Inventory  turnover  | 3. 98| 4. 43| Total  assets  turnover| 1. 34| 1. 11| Net worth turn over| 5. 47| 2. 99| Net  working  capital  turnover| -87. 86| 50. 92| Profitability| Net  profit  margin| 2. 42%| -0. 56%| Gross  profit  margin| 16. 11%| 7. 30%|Return  on  total  assets| 3. 27%| -0. 71%| Return  on  Net  working  capital| 13. 28%| -48. 01%| Return  on  net  worth| -213. 10%| -3. 26%| Ratios Analysis LIQUIDITY RATIOS: A liquidity ratio measures the company's ability to pay its bills. The denominator of a liquidity ra tio is the company's current liabilities, i. e. , obligations that the company must meet soon, usually with in one year. The numerator of a liquidity ratio is part or all of current assets. The current ratio of Gul Ahmed for year 2010 is 0. 97 and for year 2009 it is 0. 94. When we look at quick ratio, the quick ratio for Gul Ahmed is 0. 39 in 2010 and 0. 44 in 2009.It shows that Gul Ahmed had enough liquidity to meet its short term liquidity need during the better economic situation as well as in worst economic situation. The factor behind being well in its liquidity ratio is that company is well managed in financing its assets. LEVERAGE RATIOS: The leverage ratios accomplish two things: First, they are a measure of the extent to which firms finance their assets through debt; second, they are indicators of the financial risk of the firm. .We has considered three leverage ratios for Gul Ahmed: total debt to total assets, times interest earned, and funded debt to net working capital. Company’s datedness increased over the 2009-2010 periods. The times’ interest earned ratio for Gul Ahmed during 2009 show that it is slightly lesser than the industry average. Whereas in 2010, Gul Ahmed’s time’s interest earned ratio increased to, which was higher than the industry average of that year From this, it is concluded that the company has been able to meet its interest obligations from funds available from operations during 2010. The comparatively lower funded debt to net working capital ratio for Gul Ahmed indicates that it follows the industry practice of heavily utilizing credit lines at banks.It appears that the company did not have reasonable funds to meet its funded debt payments although it is performing better than the industry. Taking, the preceding leverage ratios in considerations, it may be concluded that Gul Ahmed is highly leveraged and most of its assets are financed by current debt. EFFICIENCY RATIOS: Ratios are typically used t o analyze how well a company uses its assets and liabilities internally. Efficiency Ratios can calculate the turnover of receivables, the repayment of liabilities, the quantity and usage of equity and the general use of inventory and machinery.The average collection period is far from the median and that shows a loose credit term policies in receiving the payments late but somehow the average collection period reduces close to median in2010 explaining the improvement in receiving payments. The inventory is kept at good level by ensuring timely supplies to its customers. The Asset turnover seemed to be in a good shape standing  just above the median in both years, telling that Gul Ahmed is utilizing its assets properly introducing the sales.The net working capital turnover is far higher than the median telling that the firm’s current assets are sufficiently utilized in producing high sales. However, the net worth  Turnover being below the median tells that the Gul Ahmed is bit high on using debt financing and less efficient in using equity financing. PROFITABILITY RATIOS: Profit margin is 2. 42% (2010) and 0. 57% (2009). This reflects the firm's managerial efforts at controlling the markets acceptance of the firms product, the effectiveness of its marketing and sales efforts and the firms overall reputation.The profit margin is improving hence the firms profitability is improving. Return on total assets= 3. 27% (2010) and 0. 59% (2009) this reflects the earnings productivity of the total assets. Here there is an increase. This is because the firm is very profitable as far as its assets are concerned. Return on net working capital=13. 28% (2010) and 2. 50% (2009) reflects the profitability of  managerial decisions regarding investments in net current assets. This is improving in a way that the company is generating profits on its net working capital as compared to 2003. AL-Karam TextilesFinancial Ratios Ratios| 2009| 2010| Liquidity Ratios| | | Curr ent Ratio| 1. 04| 0. 97| Quick Ratio| 0. 4757| 0. 2787| Leverage Ratios| | | Debt to asset ratio| 0. 7381| 0. 80179| Funded to net working capital| 0. 3692| 1. 365| Efficiency Ratios| | | Average collection period| 30days| 35days| Inventory Turnover| 0. 7089| 0. 008109| Total Asset turnover| 0. 000933| 0. 000693| Net Worth Turnover| 2. 15| 2. 56| Net working capital turnover| -0. 0017583| -0. 010899| Profitability Ratio| | | Profit Margin| 0. 0078| 0. 0075| Return on Total Assets| 0. 6885| 0. 53351| Return on Net Worth| 0. 1792| 0. 853| Return on net working capital| -0. 1643| 0. 08387| Equity Ratio| | | Price to earning Ratio| 2. 11| 2. 01| Dividend payout| 0. 41| 0. 83| Book value per share| $15. 12| $19. 48| Ratios Analysis Liquidity ratios A) Current ratio: Total current assets/Total current liabilities is 0. 97(2010) and 1. 04(2009). This explains that in 2010 the liabilities were outweighing the assets however the previous year the asset became more than the liabilities and he nce the ratio exceeds 1. b) Quick ratio: (Total current assets-inventories)/total current liabilities is 0. 2787(2010) and 0. 4757(2009).This ratio is taken out in order to check the liquidity of the firm. When the inventory was subtracted from the total current assets, it gave us a figure of all the current assets other than the stock. This figure was divided by the total current liabilities which gave us a significant decrease in the overall figure value as compared to the current ratio. However, the ratio is decreasing later on in 2010. This means that the stocks have increased. Leverage ratios A) Total debt to total assets ratio: Total debt/total assets = 0. 80179(2010) and  0. 7381(2009). This tells us about the amount of assets which are debt financed.This means that in the last one year there has been a rise in the amount of assets which are being financed by debt and hence reduction in the ones which have been financed by equity. b) Funded debt to net working capital: Fund ed debt/net working capital=1. 365(2010) and0. 3692 (2009). This basically explains the ratio of debt which has a maturity of more than one year divided by the difference between the current assets and current liabilities. Hence the ability of the firm to retire its funded debt using available relatively liquid assets has increased. Efficiency ratios A) Inventory turnover ratioThe inventory turn over ratio is 0. 008109 (2010) and 0. 7089(2009). It is a ratio which tells the effective inventory management policies. Recently, the ratio has reduced in value than the previous one. Either the firm has a lot of inventory or its sales are reducing. b) Total assets turnover The total asset turn over ratio of the two year is 0. 000693(2010) and 0. 000933(2009). It is a measure of the firm’s overall effectiveness in generating sales. The decrease in this ratio is not significant enough. However, it shows that the firm’s effectiveness in generating sales from assets is decreasing to some extent. ) Net working capital turnover = 0. 010899(2010) and -0. 0017583(2009). It is a measure of the firm’s productivity in generating sales. Again here the firm's performance is decreasing in a way that the ratio of conversion of the net working capital to sales is decreasing. However, even this difference is not very significant between these two years. Profitability ratios A) Profit margin =0. 0078(2010) and 0. 0075(2009). This reflects the firm's managerial efforts at controlling the market's acceptance of the firms product, the effectiveness of its marketing and sales efforts and the firms overall reputation.The profit margin is improving hence the firms profitability is improving. b) Return on total assets =0. 53351(2010) and 0. 6885(2009). This reflects the earnings productivity of the total assets. Here there is a decrease. This is because the firm is not very profitable as far as its assets are concerned. c) Return on net working capital=-0. 08387(2010) an d -0. 1643(2009). This reflects the profitability of managerial decisions regarding investments in net current assets. This is improving in a way that the company is generating profits on its net working capital as compared to2009.Equity ratios A) Price to earnings ratio=2. 01(2010) and 2. 11(2009). This is basically a measure of the desirability of a firm. The more desirable a firm is to the investor the higher the P. E ratio it has. The P. E ratio is slightly decreasing. This is because the ratio of earning per share to price per share is greater in 2009. The higher this ratio the more attractive it is to the investors. B) Debt to  equity ratio=0. 3481(2010) and 0. 4937 (2009) shows a decrease in  the  preceding year2010. Conclusion Ratios| Gul Ahmed| Al karam| | Liquidity| Current Ratios| 0. 97| 1. 04|Quick Ratio| 0. 39| 0. 4757| Leverage | Total debt to total Assets ratio| 73. 37%| 73. 81%| Funded debt to networking capital| 61. 80%| 36. 92| Efficiency| | | Average collect ion period| 43 days| 30 days| Inventory turnover| 3. 98| 0. 7089| Total assets turnover| 1. 34| 0. 000933| Net worth turnover| 5. 47| 2. 15| Net working capital turnover| -87. 86| -0. 0017583| Profitability| | | Net profit Margin| 2. 42%| 0. 78| Return on net worth| -213. 10%| 17. 92| Return on Total Assets| 3. 27%| 6. 88%| Return on Net Working capital| 13. 28%| -0. 1643| Equity| | | Price to earning ratio| 7. 5| 10. 85| Book value per share| 19. 48| 21. 45| The ratio analysis of the two companies shows the result that Al-karam has been increasing its equity and its profitability and showing signs of an efficient company. On the other hand, Gul Ahmed is decreasing its business and going towards loss Liquidity Ratios: Al-karam has a higher Current ratio as well as Acid Test ratio as compare to Gul Ahmed which means that it is in a better shape to meet its current obligations and has more inventories. Gul Ahmed therefore has lower margin safety to meet its current obligation.Efficien cy Ratios: Al-karam seems to be in a better financial standing as compare to its efficiency. The company has a lower turnover ratio for both, the assets and the inventory showing high amount of sales and effectiveness as compare to Gul Ahmed. Profitability Ratios: Al-Karam has been rising in its profitability continuously, showing improvements in return on net worth and return on total assets. Equity: Equity ratios are primary interest to the firm’s stockholders and include the price to earnings ratio, dividend payout, and book value per share.The price to earnings ratio, popularly referred to as the P/E ratio, is an overall measure of the desirability of the firm. The more attractive the firm is to the investors, the higher the P/E ratio. The P/E ratio is highest of Al Karam that is 10. 65 which is higher than the other textile ratio, then comes Gul Ahmed. Al-karam has been showing improvements in the dividend yield and the book value per share. This shows that the company h as been increasing its equity by involving more investors in its base. The company thus shows signs of expansion and higher sense of determination towards acquiring more of the business.The book value per share is highest of Al Karam. . Bibliography http://www. gulahmed. com/investor_financial_information. html http://www. gulahmed. com/downloads/annual_reports/AnnualReport2012. pdf http://www. gulahmed. com/investor_financial_information. html http://download-reports. blogspot. com/2009/10/financial-analysis-ratio-analysis-of_2826. html http://www. gulahmed. com/downloads/annual_reports/Annual_Report_2009. pdf http://www. facebook. com/l. php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. alkaram. com%2Fpsl%2FHalf%2520Yearly%2520Financial%2520Information%2520December%25202011. pdf&h=zAQGDqpbt http://www. scribd. com

Friday, November 8, 2019

The effects of social factors Essays

The effects of social factors Essays The effects of social factors Essay The effects of social factors Essay In order to measure and step in efficaciously with service users, societal workers need to hold an apprehension of the effects of the interplay between societal structural factors and single factors in both the creative activity and prolongation of the job. Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2 Working Within the System†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ 4 Vulnerability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦ . 6 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Bibliography.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ .. 9 Introduction In the United Kingdom, the Department of Health ( 2009 ) represents the governmental bureau that has the duty for ordaining policy on societal attention every bit good as wellness, along with the National Health Service ( 2009 ) . Children with disablements represents a extremely of import and sensitive country in that it entails attention in the place every bit good as the school environment for the varied afflictions that comprise the term disablement. The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 in the United Kingdom defines disablement as an person that has a mental and or physical damage that has an inauspicious and long term impact and or consequence on that person’s ability to map with regard to day-to-day activities ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2005 ) . In clear uping the footings used in the definition, long term represents an damage that has either lasted, and or is projected to last for a period of 12 months, with particular commissariats refering what are terme d as fluctuating or conditions that recur ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2005 ) . Normal day-to-day activities represent consist of countries such as feeding, walking, rinsing and simple points such as shopping ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2005 ) . In footings of disablements, the afflictions in the case of kids, which are the focal point of this survey, include centripetal every bit good as physical damages, larning disablements, and conditions that are chronic such as arthritis, asthma, bosom disease and diabetes ( Miles and Stephenson, 2001 ) . The World Health Organisation classifies disablements under five classs. The first of these represents Impairment’ , which is either a loss and or abnormalcy relating to a portion of the organic structure, and or organic structure construction, with physiological facets stand foring mental maps ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . Activity is the 2nd of these five countries, stand foring simple undertakings such as traveling, hold oning, etc. to more complex aspects such as acquisition, and retrieving events from the yesteryear ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . Activity restriction is the 3rd of the five countries that can be public presentation trouble and or completion o f an activity due to discomfort and or hurting, continuing excessively easy and or rapidly ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . Engagement is the 4th country that entails the societal facets such as behavior, imposts, along with the 5th country, engagement limitation, that represents disadvantages for an person with an damage that is impacted by personal aspects and or environmental factors such as wheelchair entree, etc. ( World Health Organisation, 2001 ) . The predating accounts of disablements has been engaged in to supply an context of the term every bit good as to paint a image of the varied facets associated with holding a disablement as a footing for understanding the context of this treatment. The survey seeks to analyze the fact that societal workers need to hold an apprehension of the effects of the interplay between societal structural factors every bit good as single factors in order to measure every bit good as intervene efficaciously with service users refering the job and or issues at manus. The foregoing is entails a figure of considerations that in this survey shall be set in the case of kids with disablements and their households, seeking to understand the positions every bit good as experience of handicapped kids every bit good as the factors that affect the appraisal model, along with relevant policies and statute law. In add-on, this survey shall include a expression at the factors that contribute to the increased ex posure of handicapped kids, diging into confounding marks every bit good as indexs. The last two factors that shall be looked at entail the publicity of resiliency in handicapped kids, intending safeguarding them from maltreatment and household force 2, every bit good as pattern positions. In order to turn to the predating aspects of this survey, a puting shall be utilized that entails the fictional circumstance about the feelings of a female parent of a handicapped kid believing she her handicapped progeny every bit good as her were excluded as her healthy boy traversed to school whereby she every bit good as this boy had interaction with the other female parents and kids in a normal environment. The mother’s other boy, who suffers from a disablement was picked up by a particular coach every bit good as being returned place from school in the same mode. The predating circumstance represents the context into which the survey shall seek to turn to the factors as detailed in the last paragraph of the Introduction. Social workers represent the interface between the policies and ordinances as set Forth under UK legislative acts for handicapped kids under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, in consort with the installations, services and commissariats within the Department of Health ( 2009 ) , and the National Health Service ( 2009 ) . The predating fictional instance illustration represents ethical and legislative issues that shall be examined within the context of the range of duties as set Forth by the British Association of Social Workers ( 2009 ) , societal workers have duties to service users, co-workers, society, and within the context of policies, Torahs and ordinances to work out human relationships, along with the sweetening of their well being through the usage of societal systems ( British Association of Social Workers, 2009 ) . The state of affairs being examined herein falls under the Every Child Matters initiative to guarantee all kids, including those with disablements are pro vided the support they need ( The Stationary Office, 2004 ) . The Children’s Act was a direct branch of Every Child Matters’ that resulted from the mishandling by the societal attention system and societal workers of Victoria Climbie whereby a immature miss was non safeguarded in the system from maltreatment, even though all of the marks where at that place in footings of physical grounds and residing in the societal attention system ( Office of Public Sector Information, 2004 ) . Working Within the System The Every Child Matters inaugural put away four cardinal countries that were devised as a consequence of the enquiry into the decease of Victoria Climbie as recommended under the Laming Report, that were 1. the support within the system of carers every bit good as parents, 2. engage in early intercession that entails effectual protections, 3, utilise within the bringing of attention answerability in footings of actions taken every bit good as integrating within the societal attention system, and 4. reforming the methods, preparation and processs used by workers in the system ( Laming, 2003 ) . The Children Act 2004 strengthened the interplay between bureaus with respect to the sharing of information on instances, with the system revised so that the full instance files followed those under its attention to different parts every bit good as being available to differing bureaus to guarantee entree to all the specifics of a instance ( Sinclair and Corden, 2005 ) . The foregoing represents the alterations that occurred in the societal attention system as a consequence of the Victoria Climbie Inquiry ( Laming, 2003 ) that goes to the bosom of the focal point of this survey, which represents the apprehension that societal workers need to hold in footings of the interplay between societal structural factors, and the single factors of those under their attention. The cognition and usage of the bureaus, procedures and ordinances to use to turn to differing issues and or jobs falls under the cognition of societal workers that includes the support of interlinked databases for sharing information between all bureaus every bit good as an review system that oversees all instances to guarantee proper handling ( Home Office 2004 ) . The fictional instance that was brought Forth in the Introduction section of this survey falls under the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families’ ( Department of Health, 2005 ) that sets forth the demands, processs and guidelines for societal workers to carry through effectual intercession with regard to issues and jobs confronting and or of refering to those on their instance burden. Under the Framework’ local governments are obligated to 1. †¦ provide services to kids in need , 2. with such attention to be provided as appropriate, 3. to advise, aid and befriend a kid whilst he is being looked after †¦ , 4. to provide services to understate the consequence of disabilities , 5. to take stairss to forestall neglect or ill-treatment ( Department of Health, 2005, p. 12 ) . Vulnerability The predating represents the issue of the exposure of the kid, which in this instance is a perceptual issue implying societal inclusion, which falls under the National Children’s Bureau ( 2007, p. 24 ) , and is termed as Needs-led assessment’ which states that †¦ it is non ever clear how the services provided meet the demands of children , every bit good as the matching of demands and services to specific state of affairss. The model under the needs led assessment represents a concerted agreement between the societal worker, the patient ( kid ) , and households to understand what needs and can be done to run into the demand that is brought Forth ( National Children’s Bureau, 2007, p. 24 This includes fairness of entree and transparency ( National Children’s Bureau, 2007 ) . While the mode in which the societal worker would decide this particular job is non known, the of import facet is that such a model exists. The fictional instance illustration provided does non include force and or maltreatment, nevertheless, the foregoing represents a aspect of the countries to be covered in this survey. There is another aspect of the publicity of resilience in kids that entails their header with their disablement. The concerns as raised by the female parent sing the closed cringle conveyance of her kid falls under this country. Boyden and Mann ( 2005, p. 3 ) state us that adversity comes in many signifiers, as a consequence of societal †¦ discord, single Acts of the Apostless of skip or committee †¦ and many other causes . They add that as a consequence of their †¦ juvenility and, specifically, their deficiency of societal power, kids †¦ are most frequently among the most badly affected by these inauspicious circumstances ( Boyden and Mann, 2005, p. 3 ) . The case of a mother’s concern over conveyance and exclusion seemed to stand for a fiddling affair in Circumstantial Backg round subdivision of this survey, but, as one becomes more familiar with the fortunes and twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life exposure that kids with disablements have, the smallest events can be rather immense in their branchings. The impact that the fictional female parent makes in this illustration represents her observations of her kid and fortunes, which different kids every bit good as parents position and grip in separate manners ( Hill et al, 2009 ) . The predating aspect represents a recognized issue that the Department of Health ( 2004 ) addresses in its policy termed as Core Standards which is a national service model for kids, immature people and pregnancy services. In a preface to this papers, Dr. John Reid, the Secretary of State for Health, states that †¦ inequalities still impact on kids †¦ ( with ) †¦ some find ( ing ) it hard to entree the services they need †¦ ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 3 ) . He continues At the bosom of the National Service Framework ( Core Standards ) is a cardinal alteration in our manner of believing about children’s wellness †¦ ( that ) †¦ advocates a displacement with services being designed and delivered around the demands of the child ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 3 ) . The preceding is an highly importance policy statement that has been translated into actuality by Core Standards under the National Service Framework that provides guidelines for kids, young persons and pregnancy services. There are many commissariats within the aforesaid guidelines that have pertinence to our fictional survey illustration, Segment 12. Listening to Parents, which states Listening to the positions of parents is one of the most effectual ways of bettering support services for them ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 57 ) . The foregoing, National Service Framework, besides addresses the last aspect of our survey, pattern positions. The Core Standards states that under Section 13 All staff who work with or come into contact with kids, immature people and their households in all bureaus have the common nucleus accomplishments, cognition and competences †¦ ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 62 ) . It adds that †¦involvement of service users, and include appropriate multi-disciplinary preparation and instruction in back uping parenting, including parenting of kids in particular circumstances therefore demoing that the procedures involved in the bringing and quality of services as provided to kids with disablements has a good rounded every bit good as policy model for societal workers to follow every bit good as usage in turn toing the battalion of issues and jobs that arise ( Department of Health, 2004, p. 62 ) . Decision The providing of societal attention to kids with disablement represents one of the more of import maps within the system as it entails looking after the demands of those excessively immature to look after their ain demands. The societal attention system has been crafted in the United Kingdom to near the handling of kids, particularly those with disablements, with attention, compassion and apprehension. True, the system every bit good as policies are far from perfect, and or developed to their best extent, but the United Kingdom is committed to consistent betterments of an evolutionary nature. The fictional circumstance used in this survey represented a agency to exemplify the mode in which societal workers interact with the system, and the bureaus, policies and ordinances in topographic point to help them in their work. The guidelines and other aspects as utilized herein to exemplify the fictional illustration provided the foundation to showcase the mode in which the societal attention system works. While specific replies to the fictional illustrations were non provided, the intent of this survey revealed that the model exists for the declaration of the issue, which represents the intent of this scrutiny. Bibliography Boyden, J. , Mann, G. ( 2005 )Children’s Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations.Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, United States British Association of Social Workers ( 2009 )Scope and Aims.Retrieved on 14 January 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // tabid=64 Department of Health ( 1989 )An Introduction to the Children Act 1989.Her Majesty’s Stationary Office. London, United Kingdom Department of Health ( 2004 )Core Standards. Department of Health. London, United Kingdom Department of Health ( 2005 )Model for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families.Department of Health, London, United Kingdom Department of Health ( 2009 )Social Care.Retrieved on 16 January 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Hill, M. , Stafford, A. , Seaman, P. , Ross, N. , Daniel, B. ( 2009 )Rearing and resiliency.Joseph Rowntree Foundation. London, United Kingdom Home Office ( 2004 )Implementing Section 10 of the Children Act 2004: Inter-Agency Co-operation to Better the Wellbeing of Children – Children’s Trusts. Home Office. London, United Kingdom Crippling, L, ( 2003 )The Victoria Climbie Inquiry: Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming.The Stationary Office, London, United Kingdom Miles, G. , Stephenson, P. ( 2001 )Children with Disabilities.Vol. 3. Tearfund Child Development, Middlesex, United Kingdom National Children’s Bureau ( 2007 )Needs led appraisal.Retrieved on 16 January 2009 from file: ///C: /Documents % 20and % 20Settings/Administrador/Configuraci % F3n % 20local/Archivos % 20temporales % 20de % 20Internet/Content.IE5/85YN85IZ/paia_3_needs-ledassessment % 5B1 % 5D.ppt # 257,2, Needs led appraisal National Health Service ( 2009 )Life with Disability.Retrieved on 16 January 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Office of Public Sector Information ( 2004 )Children Act 2004.Office of Public Sector Information. London, United Kingdom Office of Public Sector Information ( 2005 )Disability Discrimination Act 2005. Office of Public Sector Information. London, United Kingdom Sinclair, I. , Corden, J. ( 2005 )A direction solution to maintaining kids safe: Calcium bureaus on their ain accomplish what Lord Crippling wants?Joseph Rowntree Foundation. London, United Kingdom The Stationary Office ( 2004 )Every Child Matters.The Stationary Office. London, United Kingdom World Health Organisation ( 2001 )International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health.World Health Organisation. Geneva, Switzerland

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Making a Drop Down List in a DBGrid

Making a Drop Down List in a DBGrid Want to make the best data editing grid ever? Below are instructions for building a user interface for editing lookup fields Inside a DBGrid. Specifically, well be looking at how to place a DBLookupComboBox into a cell of a DBGrid. What this will do is call upon information from a data source that will be used to populate a drop-down box. To show a DBLookupComboBox inside a cell of a DBGrid, you first need to make one available at run time... Create a Lookup With a DBLookupComboBox Select the Data controls page on the Component Palette and pick a DBLookupComboBox. Drop one anywhere on the form and leave the default name of DBLookupComboBox1. It doesnt matter where you put it since most of the time, it will be invisible or floating over the grid. Add one more DataSource and DataSet component to fill the combo box with values. Drop a TDataSource (with the name DataSource2) and TAdoQuery (name it AdoQuery1) anywhere on the form. For a DBLookupComboBox to work properly, several more properties must be set; theyre the key to the lookup connection: DataSource and DataField determine the main connection. The DataField is a field into which we insert the looked-up values.ListSource is the source of the lookup dataset.KeyField identifies the field in the ListSource that must match the value of the DataField field.ListFields is the field(s) of the lookup dataset that are actually displayed in the combo. ListField can show more than one field but multiples should be separated by semicolons.You have to set large enough value for the DropDownWidth (of a ComboBox) to really see multiple columns of data.Heres how to set all the important properties from code (in the forms OnCreate event handler): procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);beginwith DBLookupComboBox1 dobegin DataSource : DataSource1; // - AdoTable1 - DBGrid1 ListSource : DataSource2; DataField : AuthorEmail; // from AdoTable1 - displayed in the DBGrid KeyField : Email; ListFields : Name; Email; Visible : False; end; DataSource2.DataSet : AdoQuery1; AdoQuery1.Connection : AdoConnection1; AdoQuery1.SQL.Text : SELECT Name, Email FROM Authors; AdoQuery1.Open;end; Note: When you want to display more than one field in a DBLookupComboBox, like in the above example, you have to make sure that all columns are visible. This is done by setting the DropDownWidth property. However, youll see that initially, you have to set this to a very large value which results in dropped list being too wide (in most cases). One workaround is to set the DisplayWidth of a particular Field shown in a drop-down list. This code, placed inside the OnCreate event for the form, ensures that both the author name and its email are displayed inside the drop-down list: AdoQuery1.FieldByName(Email).DisplayWidth:10;AdoQuery1.FieldByName(Name).DisplayWidth:10;AdoQuery1.DropDownWidth:150; Whats left for us to do, is to actually make a combo box hover over a cell (when in edit mode), displaying the AuthorEmail field. First, we need to make sure the DBLookupComboBox1 is moved and sized over the cell in which the AuthorEmail field is displayed. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell (Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);beginif (gdFocused in State) thenbeginif (Column.Field.FieldName DBLookupComboBox1.DataField) thenwith DBLookupComboBox1 do begin Left : Rect.Left DBGrid1.Left 2; Top : Rect.Top DBGrid1.Top 2; Width : Rect.Right - Rect.Left; Width : Rect.Right - Rect.Left; Height : Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; Visible : True; end; endend; Next, when we leave the cell, we have to hide the combo box: procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColExit(Sender: TObject);beginif DBGrid1.SelectedField.FieldName DBLookupComboBox1.DataField then DBLookupComboBox1.Visible : Falseend; Note that when in editing mode, all keystrokes are going to the DBGrids cell but we have to make sure they are sent to the DBLookupComboBox. In the case of a DBLookupComboBox, we are primarily interested in the [Tab] key; it should move the input focus to the next cell. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);beginif (key Chr(9)) then Exit; if (DBGrid1.SelectedField.FieldName DBLookupComboBox1.DataField) thenbegin DBLookupComboBox1.SetFocus; SendMessage(DBLookupComboBox1.Handle, WM_Char, word(Key), 0); endend; When you pick an item (row) from a DBLookupComboBox, the value or the corresponding KeyField field is stored as the value of the DataField field.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Awakening and Into The Wild Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Awakening and Into The Wild - Essay Example Into the Wild, on the other hand, is a 1996 factual book written by Jon Krakauer. It is an extension of the author’s 9,000-word piece on Christopher McCandless known as the Death of an Innocent, which was published in the January issue of Outside, in 1993. This novel tackles the issues of how to be accepted and recognized in society, and how finding yourself, at times, clashes with being an active member of the society. In this reading, a reader could see that Chris McCandless was behind left to find some kind of enlightenment. He endeavors to find his path in the wild with little material assets since "it made the journey more fun" (Krakauer 32). His intense risk-taking habit was the hubris that finally led to his downfall. These two writings focus on theme them of how to be accepted into society with The Awakening incorporating a female character as the protagonist and Into the Wild incorporating a male character as the protagonist. This paper will discuss how the two writin g bring out these themes (the effects of self-expression) through analysis of character roles, conflict resolution and literary devices. Edna is the central character in The Awakening, which also refers to her title. The 28 years old woman, who is wifed to a New Orleans businessman, instantly finds herself dissatisfied with her husband, as well as the limited conservative way of living that it dictates (Chopin 30). She appears from her semi-conscious situation of a devoted companion and a mother to a situation of complete awareness, through which she finds her own identity and acts on her own desires for sexual and emotional satisfaction. Through a series of "awakenings", Edna turns into a shockingly independent girl and is accountable only to her personal passions and urges (Chopin 189). Sadly, Edna’s experience (awakening) isolates her form other members of society, which led to her state of complete solitude. Christopher McCandless was a smart, optimistic young man who dee med that life is best lived in isolation, otherwise in nature. He spent two full years putting his theory into practice in the "wild-wests" of the U.S before moving into Alaska. However, he was unprepared of this journey and eventually starved to death (Krakauer 40). What these two accounts show us is that these two character where on endeavors to find themselves in opposition to the accepted societal ways, but eventually ended up harming themselves. Edna, in the awakening, ended up in utter solitude the made her to commit suicide and McCandless, in Into the Wild, ended up starving to death. Edna’s breakthrough of ways to express herself brings about the disclosure of her long-repressed emotions. Through her experience, she learns at least three fresh "languages" (Chopin 78). First and foremost, she learns the style of expression of Creole women in Grand Isle. In spite of their chastity, Creole women converse freely and share their thoughts openly. Their openness initially st unned Edna, but she soon was free about it. Edna discovered that she can face her sexuality and feelings directly, devoid of any fear. Once some of her Creole friends reveal to her that it is fine to dwell on one’

Friday, November 1, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 20

Strategic Management - Essay Example The company believes in developing exceptional flow experience for its people. In this study different strategic frameworks have been included to determine strategic position of the firm in market place. These models are PESTLE analysis, Porter’s five forces model, competitor array, strategic group mapping, GE-McKinsey 9 box matrix, Bowman’s strategy clock, Ansoff’s matrix and TOWS matrix. The digital marketing strategy of the company has been outlined which shall support KONE in terms of offering new products to new geographical markets. There is intense competition in the industry and it can be addressed only through implementing innovating business strategies. KONE needs to explore new market opportunities through offering new products to target segment. Digital marketing strategies shall help the firm to easily access target market and acquire desirable profit margins. The mission or value statement of the company is to create best flow experience for people. KONE is regarded as the global leader in context of elevator industry. From past many years the company is actively indulged in offering superior quality escalators or elevators to its client base. KONE aims at achieving cost competitiveness and operational excellence through innovative processes and people leadership. KONE’s strategic objectives can be divided into four dimensions such as expanding base of loyal customers, initiating employee empowerment, enabling best experience for users and seeking profitable growth. Financial objective is to grow at a rapid rate in comparison to market growth rate. KONE aims at enhancing working capital rotation and reaching 16% EBIT. External environmental analysis indicates all possible external influences which have significant impact on business operations. KONE Great Britain has been operating in elevator and escalator industry from past many years. The entire business operations of KONE can be categorized into two distinct